Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor-starrer ‘Shamshera’ will go on the floors once again for the remaining portion soon. Bollywood is now getting itchy to start shooting as soon as possible. Apart from filmmakers incurring heavy losses, everyone is gloomy sitting at home doing nothing. Hence, the makers of ‘Shamshera’ have scheduled to return to the sets in the month of July. The film was nearly complete with only about four days’ patchwork remaining, when the lockdown struck. The flick is directed by Karan Malhotra and is produced by Aditya Chopra under the Yash Raj Films’ banner. While Sanju is playing villain, Ranbir will be seen in double role in the film. Vaani will portray a dancer in the film. Initial release date of ‘Shamshera’ was said to be July 31.
But since the lockdown came into force due to coronavirus and all film shootings were halted, release date of ‘Shamshera’ could be pushed ahead. ‘Shamshera’ is an action-adventure film set in the circa 1800. The film traces the journey of a dacoit tribe fighting for its rights and independence against the British. How this tribe takes charge narrates the rest of the story. While shooting for ‘Brahmastra’, Ranbir was simultaneously working on ‘Shamshera’ so that the film could complete on time. Director Karan Malhotra in the meantime was not sitting idle. The master worked tirelessly behind the scenes on post-production work in the last three months. This would give ‘Shamshera’ an edge over others when it comes to releasing the film. Even if it is postponed, the same may not be for a longer time. Theatres are closed for the time being but whenever the curtains are raised, ‘Shamshera’ could be well ahead in the race to hit the screens. This is one of the reasons that Malhotra is readying Ranbir and Sanjay to resume the shoot of ‘Shamshera’ from July.