Menstrual Hygiene Day: Twinkle Khanna supports First Period

Twinkle Khanna
Twinkle Khanna
After producing a film like ‘PadMan’, which promoted menstrual hygiene, Mrs Funnybones aka Twinkle Khanna has come forward to support another film that talks about the subject of the menstrual cycle, titled ‘First Period’. It is a short film directed by Mozez Singh, which takes a look at the menstrual cycle, which is still considered a taboo in our society, from an interesting, unique and surreal new perspective. Director Mozez Singh skilfully deals with the delicate subject of the first period day from a boy’s viewpoint and shows a world where women don’t exist, and where the tables are flipped.

Twinkle Khanna, who has seen the film, was very impressed with the director’s treatment of the subject and decided to come forward and support the project. ‘First Period’ is produced and supported by the NGO Dasra & MH Alliance India and is written by Ishani Banerji. ‘First Period’ is all set to release on world Menstruation Day, May 26, 2018.


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