Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions has done brisk business over the years. The same reflects in its films that are released one after the other. No wonder then Apoorva Mehta, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dharma Productions, and KJo’s Man Friday, has purchased a luxurious apartment, reportedly worth Rs 24.60 crores. Named The Residency, this is the same tower in Khar, Mumbai where Karan owns a penthouse. Mehta’s sprawling sea-facing flat spreads across 2,691 square feet. It is said that the agreement was registered on December 24. Though it is still yet to be ascertained whether Mehta will reside in the newly-purchased pad or this is just a part of investment. As for the firm, Dharma Productions is awaiting winding-up of multi-starrer magnum opus ‘Takht’.
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