Swara Bhaskar is nervously waiting for this Friday, as her solo lead film ‘Nil Battey Sannata’ hits the Bollywood screens. While this celebrity has got a lot of compliments for her role in the Hindi cinema, Swara has slipped into an edgy mode. She says, “The reactions to the trailer have been very positive. The buzz created is so high, I really hope we deliver what people want. When the expectations go high, there is also a fear of disappointment.” ‘Nil Battey Sannata’ will have to slug it out at the Bollywood box office with Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Fan’ and ‘The Jungle Book’, films that are full of celebrities and released earlier, but still going strong. “Everything is competition for me right now. However, good films also increase your standards. With more successful films, there is pressure on us as Bollywood industry to do even better,” concludes Swara Bhaskar.
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