Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide on Sunday, June 14, 2020. Bollywood and his fans are in utter shock. Sushant passed away at his Bandra home at the age of 34. He resided at Mount Blanc on Carter Road. The police are investigating the matter but prima facie the reason for his death is said to be suicide. His father KK Singh is devastated and is in no condition to speak. No suicide note was recovered at the time of going live. Sushant was found hanging at his house by a servant who informed the cops. The latest reports coming out while this is being written is that ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold Story’ actor was suffering from depression for the last six months. Sushant was also undergoing treatment for the same. Just a few days back Sushant Singh Rajput’s ex-manager Disha Salian also reportedly committed suicide at the age of 28.
DCP Pranay Ashok, spokesperson, Mumbai Police said, “Sushant Singh Rajput has committed suicide, Mumbai Police are investigating.” In the meantime, Sushant’s publicist also issued a statement, “It pains us to share that Sushant Singh Rajput is no longer with us. We request his fans to keep him in their thoughts and celebrate his life and his work like they have done so far. We request the media to help us maintain privacy at this moment of grief.”
Sushant Singh Rajput’s filmography
Sushant Singh Rajput has had an illustrious career all this while. Bollywood knew the 34-year-old actor as hard-working in the industry. Sushant’s debut film was ‘Kai Po Che!’ in 2013. Since his beginning, there was no looking back. ‘Shuddh Desi Romance’, ‘PK’ and ‘Detective Byomkesh Bakshy’ later, ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold Story’ in 2016 catapulted Sushant to new heights. The actor had played cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni in this biopic. ‘Raabta’ in 2017 and ‘Kedarnath’ with Sara Ali Khan in 2018 were another milestones that he achieved in his short film career. Kedarnath was Sara’s debut film. The year 2019 saw ‘Chhichhore’ under the direction of Nitesh Tiwari. Sushant’s upcoming film is ‘Dil Bechara’ is still under filming. ‘Dil Bechara’ was to release in May this year but the lockdown forced it to postpone further. Sushant’s last film may never see the light of the day now.
Bollywood pays tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput
Akshay Kumar was one of the first ones to send out his Tweet. “Honestly, this news has left me shocked and speechless… I remember watching #SushantSinghRajput in ‘Chhichhore’ and telling my friend Sajid, its producer, how much I’d enjoyed the film and wish I had been a part of it. Such a talented actor… may God give strength to his family,” said Akshay on his Twitter handle. His co-star of ‘Kedarnath’, Sara Ali Khan shared a black and white picture of her and Sushant laughing his heart out. She captioned the same as, “Sushant Singh Rajput,” with a broken heart sandwiched between two red hearts.
Salman Khan wrote, “You will be missed… #RIPSushant,” whereas Priyanka Chopra too minced no words talking about him. “I’m stunned. You must have been in so much pain. I hope you are at peace wherever you are, my friend. Gone too soon. I’ll never forget our conversations about astrophysics at sunrise. Words cease to make sense. RIP Sushant. My condolences to the family and everyone grieving this huge loss,” penned Piggy Chops along with sharing their photo together.