Sunny Deol is back with his kicks and punches in ‘Ghayal Once Again’. The actor has also written and directed the film, which was supposed to release on January 15, 2016. However, the film was delayed and pushed further, only to see the light of the day now in February. Revealing the reason for the same, Sunny says, “It has taken two years of hard work to make this film, and I did not want to release it until I was happy with the results. Hence I decided to release it on February 5.” ‘Ghayal Once Again’ has the actor playing a strong headed man who comes to the rescue of four youngsters. “Being a creative person, I have tried to reflect the society of 2015-16, just the way I did in 1990, with ‘Ghayal’. The entire film is based on today’s youth and hopefully people will like it,” adds Sunny Deol.
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