Sanjay Dutt was admitted to a hospital on Saturday, August 8, 2020, during the extended lockdown period in Maharashtra. Speculations were on the rise that the actor had Covid-19 as he complained of worsening health and breathlessness. On running compulsory tests to rule out or diagnose the infection, it was clear that he was coronavirus-negative. “Just wanted to assure everyone that I’m doing well. I’m currently under medical observation and my Covid-19 report is negative. With the help and care of the doctors, nurses and staff at Lilavati Hospital, I should be home in a day or two. Thank you for your well wishes and blessings,” Dutt had said after hospitalisation. After staying in for two days, Sanju was discharged from the hospital on Monday, August 10.
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief that Sanjay Dutt was Covid-19 negative but his medical condition seems to have only worsened. The ‘Sadak 2’ actor has decided to take it a little slow and hence is on a sabbatical. Informing all about his plans, Sanjay Dutt tweeted, “Hi friends, I am taking a short break from work for some medical treatment. My family and friends are with me and I urge my well-wishers not to worry or unnecessarily speculate. With your love and good wishes, I will be back soon!” Sources are keeping mum and there’s neither any further confirmation from the Dutt family.
Sanjay Dutt’s upcoming films
Sanjay Dutt’s deteriorating health has set the tongues wagging in spite of his request to not speculate. While he or his family members are yet to come out in the open to talk about Sanju’s well-being, fans await the slew of releases he has. Apart from ‘Sadak 2’, Sanjay Dutt was working on ‘Shamshera’, ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’, ‘KGF: Chapter 2’, ‘Prithviraj’ and ‘Torbaaz’. Work on most of his films has moved at a rapid pace. But Sanjay’s ill-health may slow down this speed in the coming months.