As Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrates her birthday today, September 21, celebs like Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut wished her success. But what caught everyone’s attention more was Bebo’s selfie with her husband Saif Ali Khan. Kareena and Saif are stationed in Maldives since long, where they are vacationing with their kids Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan. And to ring in her 41st birthday in style, Kareena shared a picture with Saif in which, the latter is looking dapper wearing a white kurta and stylish glasses. Kareena has put this selfie with Saif in her Instagram story and captioned it simply as “21-09-2021” with a heart emoji next to it.
Wishing his best friend Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar meanwhile wrote on his Instagram handle, “We are pouters and posers in crime! So much love for my favourite girl on her special day! Happy birthday to my Poo for life. Love you so much,” Rakul Preet Singh shared Bebo’s black and white picture and penned, “Happy birthday, Kareena! Wishing you another year of happiness and joy!”
Kangana Ranaut sprung up a surprise when she wished Bebo making a collage of her three pictures. “Happy birthday to the most gorgeous of them all,” said Kangana. Vivek Oberoi, on the other hand, came up with a behind-the-scene picture from the sets of ‘Yuva’, his film with Kareena and said, “Wishing a very happy birthday to the diva of Bollywood, the spectacular actress, wonderful mother and amazing friend, Kareena Kapoor Khan! We have known each other for a long time and it is great to see how beautifully you have evolved into an inspiration for every newcomer in the industry. All my good wishes and love to you!”
Malaika Arora, Kareena Kapoor’s one of the best friends, wished, “Happy birthday to my most stunning and beautiful Bebo. Keep glowing and shining. Love you.” The actress’ cousin Riddhima Kapoor Sahni showered her love as, “Happiest birthday, beautiful Bebo,” keeping it short and sweet. While the birthday wishes kept pouring in till late, Kareena, Saif, Taimur and Jeh are enjoying their vacation in Maldives.