Filmmaker Pooja Bhatt’s upcoming project ‘Cabaret’ has been the centre of speculation for being inspired from yesteryear actress Helen. “If there are many reports, then let the reports continue. As long as the right image and film name is printed, how does it matter,” says the actress turned filmmaker Pooja Bhatt. This film talks about a girl from Jharkhand, her journey to Mumbai and Bollywood. “‘Cabaret’ has been inspired by life. When you say the word cabaret, you cannot help but think of Helenji. Helenji is an inspiration. I also wanted to cast someone like Helenji and finally I got Richa Chadda,” says Pooja.Filmmaker Pooja Bhatt’s upcoming project ‘Cabaret’ has been the centre of speculation for being inspired from yesteryear actress Helen. “If there are many reports, then let the reports continue. As long as the right image and film name is printed, how does it matter,” says the actress turned filmmaker Pooja Bhatt. This film talks about a girl from Jharkhand, her journey to Mumbai and Bollywood. “‘Cabaret’ has been inspired by life. When you say the word cabaret, you cannot help but think of Helenji. Helenji is an inspiration. I also wanted to cast someone like Helenji and finally I got Richa Chadda,” says Pooja.