Kamaal Rashid Khan, also known as KRK, today revealed that he has been diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer. The former ‘Bigg Boss’ contestant shared his health update on the official Twitter account which goes with the handle KRKBoxOffice.
Talking about his stomach cancer, KRK tweeted, “It’s confirmed that I have stomach cancer on 3rd stage, hence I will be alive for 1-2 years more. Now I won’t entertain anybody’s call who will try to make me feel that I am going to die soon. I don’t want to live with anybody’s sympathy even for a day. I will appreciate those people, who will continue to abuse me, hate me or love me like before, and like a normal person only. I am only sad for my two wishes, which I will not be able to fulfil. 1. I wanted to make an A-grade film as a producer. 2. I wanted to work with Amitabh Bachchanji in a film or produce a film with him.” Kamaal R Khan has produced and acted in ‘Deshdrohi’ (2008).
The self proclaimed critic, Kamaal R Khan, has fielded a lot of controversies – from being the first contestant to be prematurely evicted from ‘Bigg Boss’ for his violent behaviour to his official Twitter account being suspended last year for violating Twitter rules. It was also being said that KRK was instrumental in tiff between Karan Johar and Kajol, along with her husband Ajay Devgn.